Geoff O'Keeffe

Geoff O'Keeffe loves the West, his wife and kids and his home in the Rockies. Until recently, he spent a significant amount of his year in China. His number one objective is to be able to do just one thing at one time in one place.
A Road Trip: Refuge of the roads

A Road Trip: Refuge of the roads

A travel essay on the power of leaving home, hitting the road, casting oneself into uncertainty and danger, discovering the unknown, seeing one’s reflection in the landscape and the sky. These have been the stimuli and the “itch” that have propelled writers, artists and thinkers to abandon home, family and security and set out alone, across the seas, over the mystic mountains or out on a road trip.

A Traveler’s Shanghai – We are the people

A Traveler’s Shanghai – We are the people

Rain slick streets of Shanghai lie worn but resolute under two millennia of bare feet, sandals, hooves and wheels. The people run to work, hurry to school, linger in produce shops; peddling bikes, racing scooters, driving beat-down cars and over-stuffed delivery trucks. We are packed onto buses, waving for taxis and queuing for the metro.