Travel Health

Staying healthy is no accident
Why I hate ticks and how to prevent tick bites

Why I hate ticks and how to prevent tick bites

It’s not all that hard to realize why I hate ticks. The very thought of walking through woods and fields infested with ticks makes my skin crawl. Perhaps it is because of a tick’s predilection to attaching itself firmly to its host, in this case me, and then draining a seemingly prodigious quantity of blood from those dark and moist places where I would rather not have something alien nibbling. Even with my skin dipped in insect repellent and clothes soaked in permethrin, I am on edge.

Travel medical kit: packing a first aid kit for travel

Travel medical kit: packing a first aid kit for travel

When you are packing for your next international trip, there are a few items that are essential – passport, ID, money, smartphone and a compact travel medical kit. No matter what destination you are heading to in the world, a first aid kit for travel should go with you everywhere.

Travel smart: 5 steps to protect your travel health

Travel smart: 5 steps to protect your travel health

Any business or vacation travel requires a proactive approach to travel health and welness. Sun, insects, animals, bacteria, viruses, cars, and more make staying healthy and injury-free during and after your trip a challenge. Our five steps to travel health will help.

Travel hacks for fighting germs in public spaces – updated March 2020

Travel hacks for fighting germs in public spaces – updated March 2020

Fighting germs when you are traveling is an ongoing battle. Who wants to get sick and have to stay in a hotel room, or worse, end up in a hospital when traveling? That makes fighting germs (like the new coronavirus) No. 1 on your to-do list when traveling since you can’t avoid public places! Here are our top travel hacks for fighting germs in planes, trains, public bathrooms, hotel rooms, and more.

Traveling together – 10 reasons why relationships fail

Traveling together – 10 reasons why relationships fail

Whether you’re currently in a relationship or you plan to enter one soon, traveling together with your partner can be one of the best ways to determine if you are, indeed, compatible as long-term partners. Traveling together can uncover any one of the 10 reasons why relationships fail.

Migraines and travel  – Tips for headache relief when traveling

Migraines and travel – Tips for headache relief when traveling

When traveling, the last thing you want is a pounding migraine headache. But like it or not migraines and travel go together for a lot of reasons, including the emotional and physical stress of travel, dehydration, and lack of sleep. We have migraine traveling tips to help you be aware, be cautious, and be prepared.

10 top tips to help you sleep better in hotels

10 top tips to help you sleep better in hotels

If there is one thing I am keen on when traveling, it is a getting a good night’s sleep in a hotel. Over the years I’ve figured out a few traveling tips for sleeping better in hotels, like when making a hotel reservation, ask for what you want.

How to relieve travel stress when flying

How to relieve travel stress when flying

No matter if you are traveling for business, to visit friends or family, or on a dream holiday, travel stress can take a physical and mental toll. Here are the tips we use to relieve travel stress whenever we are flying.

Avoiding jet lag: tips from travel experts

Avoiding jet lag: tips from travel experts

Jet lag is nearly inevitable, really, when you travel at today’s pace across multiple time zones. Man was meant to saunter thousands of miles, not jet between continents to suddenly find himself propelled into tomorrow or reliving this morning. Avoiding jet lag is really all about minimizing jet lag’s effects. That is indeed possible, but some of what you need to do may seem counter-intuitive.

8 tips to avoid bed bugs when traveling

8 tips to avoid bed bugs when traveling

If you travel smart it is wise to know how to avoid bed bugs when traveling. This article provides the best and most practical traveling advice for avoiding bed bugs and also knowing what to do to get rid of bed bugs if they hitch a ride in your luggage back home.

Travel Sickness Prevention: Tips to smooth the journey

Travel Sickness Prevention: Tips to smooth the journey

Anyone can get travel sick, even if you “never” do. The good news is there is a tried-and-true playbook for travel sickness prevention. The bad news is there is no cure for travel sickness. Also known as motion sickness, car sickness, sea sickness, and air sickness, the malady can come on quickly.

Eight tips for flying in comfort

Eight tips for flying in comfort

So you’ve booked your ticket, chosen a seat, and you’re packing your luggage, including your carry-on bag. But will you be flying in comfort? You DO want to have a comfortable flight and that means being prepared. Our tips will ensure you fly in comfort and safety on your next flight.

Nine tips to stay healthy when flying

Nine tips to stay healthy when flying

Ebola, measles, flu, blood clots and more seem to lurk everywhere. Read the news and you begin to imagine a thousand ways to get sick when sealed in a flying aluminum tube with 300 of your new best friends. Really, though, there is no need for fear and hysteria. Here are nine tips from HI Travel Tales to help you stay healthy when flying and help you arrive for your holiday or business as rested as possible.

Hotel room workout: Stay fit with what you have

Hotel room workout: Stay fit with what you have

Can’t get to a real workout room to strengthen and tone? No worries. You can do a pretty good job maintaining fitness with a hotel room workout that uses what you have in the room and in your luggage. A room workout just takes a little imagination. Think about each exercise you may normally do and then get creative with your own hotel room exercise routine mimicking its motions, using everything from your luggage to water bottles filled with water to chairs to even toilets!

Travel fitness advice: Packing, clothes and gear

Travel fitness advice: Packing, clothes and gear

What you pack along will have a huge impact on whether you workout or how comfortable you are when you do. A friend of mine used to always have a just-in-case workout bag in his trunk “just in case a workout broke out,” he’d say. And that’s our travel fitness advice too. If you aren’t prepared, you won’t get your healthy fix in.

Travel fitness tips: Plan ahead to stay on track

Travel fitness tips: Plan ahead to stay on track

Once your trip is planned and you’re thinking about how you can cut back wisely (per the advice in our article “Travel fitness tips: You can stay fit if you adapt”), it’s time to start plotting. Should we say planning? Nah, plotting. It’s time to “plot” hotels, tours, sightseeing, travel departure times and all that other stuff so it doesn’t make fitting in even a short workout totally impossible.

Sunscreen confusion solved: What to choose and why

Sunscreen confusion solved: What to choose and why

After more than three decades, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in summer 2011 approved guidelines for sunscreen brands on marketing, labeling and testing to help stop widespread sunscreen confusion. They went into affect in mid-2012 for major players, while...

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