Michael Hodgson awarded Best in Show at the 2023 California State Fair

by Aug 9, 2023Awards

Best In Show California State Fair 2023

Michael Hodgson’s “Running With the Wind” photo wins a Juror’s Award and Best in Show recognition at the 2023 California Sate Fair Photography / Fine Arts competition.

Michael Hodgson, co-founder at the Grass Valley-based travel blog HITravelTales.com, and owner of the online photography gallery MichaelHodgsonPhoto.com, took home a Juror’s Award and Best in Show in the 2023 California State Fair Photography/Fine Arts competition for his photograph titled, “Running With the Wind.” The photograph is of wild horses galloping through the water in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

“Having the opportunity to photograph these beautiful wild horses in Shackleford Banks in North Carolina was a dream come true for me last year,” said Michael. “Being able to capture a photograph that conveys the power and grace of these horses, and one the judges recognized as the best in show at the State Fair, is an amazing honor. I look forward to continuing to shoot wildlife around the world, and to work to improve my skills as a photographer every opportunity I get.”

Michael had a second photo accepted into the competitive juried exhibit of a bald eagle in flight and Therese also had her light-painted photo of a vintage pink Cadillac accepted to show.

Both Michael and his business partner and wife, Therese Iknoian, have won numerous photography awards as well as awards for their writing and photography essays. Plus HITravelTales.com was named one of the best independent blogs in 2021 by the North American Travel Journalists Association. To find out more about HI Travel Tales, go to this link: https://hitraveltales.com/about-us/. Subscribe to the HI Travel Tales newsletter for premium content not found on our website, including photos, tips and more. 

Michael and Therese, long-time Grass Valley residents, have run HITravelTales.com for about eight years, during which time they have traveled to, photographed, and written about Germany, Morocco, Ukraine, Argentina, Antarctica and of course the United States. Together, they have been to all seven continents, 49 countries, and all 50 states, focusing on immersive travel that connects readers with the culture, food, history, people, and natural wonders of a destination.

Download “18 tips to take amazing travel photos” for free

18 Tips To Take Amazing Travel Photos

Members of our Subscriber Club can download 18 tips to take amazing travel photos for free. 

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