What is the best sunscreen to protect me from burning?

We heard from a reader wondering what the best sunscreen was for their travels, and which SPF level was best. Their issue is trying to understand the packaging and labels … and they aren’t the only ones.

Even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration finally passed guidelines for package labeling, it can be very confusing to know what is the best sunscreen for you.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the best sunscreen for you:

Just follow a few really simple rules:

  1. 30 Rocks – Don’t bother spending your money on SPFs higher than 50. Frankly, we don’t really bother with more than 30. The gains after even 30 aren’t that significant for the money you’ll dish out.
  2. Science 101 – All those chemical names are mind-boggling, for sure. To be really safe, try to stick with the products that physically block the sun’s rays and are total broad spectrum. That’s zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. There are a lot of new versions these days that won’t turn you white like Suzy Chapstick. These stay on the surface and do the best job. Others like avobenzone and oxybenzone, which chemically block, may be more irritating or just less affective due due degradation.
  3. Apply and repeat – I know, the sunscreen gurus say this over and over, but it’s no B.S. Do it.
  4. Take a dip – Without getting technical, the FDA’s methods to test water-resistance aren’t really what the public would consider water resistant, i.e. even the MOST water-resistant won’t keep sticking after about 80 minutes. And even that will depend on how much and how well you apply. Try for reapplication every 30-45 minutes if you’re getting wet.

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DISCLAIMER: The content of HITravelTales.com (HI Travel Tales) and any resources published by HI Travel Tales are meant solely as suggestions and advice for you to consider. You and you alone are fully responsible for any determination that your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others around you, is not at risk by following the suggestions and advice published on this website. You are advised to consult with your physician before undertaking any health or fitness advice offered by HITravelTales.com (HI Travel Tales) and its writers, editors and publishers.

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